
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year!

親愛的賜慧學生和家人: 新學年即將於2021年9月12日開始!若您尚未報名,請記得使用附上的報名表,連同學費寄至教會的新地址:4050 Marietta Ave., Columbia, PA 17512。 以下最新消息: 首先要感謝范曉東校長自創校七年以來的帶領與忠心付出!我們雖有不捨,但想到他的教職和家庭需要,我們願衷心祝福他,在邁入有四個孫兒的人生新篇章之際,願神豐盛地賜福他和他的家人!若您有任何關於中文學校的問題,可直接以學校的電子郵箱或電話與施慧琴女士連絡!  接著要分享的是蘭城華人教會已於近期購得新堂!由於搬遷過渡需要時間,加上病毒感染日趨嚴重,我們決定這學年繼續以網課的方式進行,期間會加上一些小團體的聚集與學習活動,帶來更多的實體互動。  最後一點,賜慧中文學校會將聖經真理帶入中文課程,以期將正面的人生觀,帶給我們的下一代, 使他們能成為社區的鹽和光,造福社會。”教养孩童,使他走当行的道,就是到老他也不偏离 。” (箴言二十二章6節)聖經真理在某些方面與中華文化相互輝映,就是當我們面對每日生活的挑戰,也能帶來內在的療癒與力量。 謝謝您花時間讀完這封信!您若已經報名,您或孩子的老師會與您連絡上課細節。再次感謝您以心以行,與我們一同探索這與眾不同的學習之旅! 賜慧中文學校717-356-0851 Dear CiHui Students and Families,  The new school year will start on Sept. 12, 2021. For some of you who have not registered yet, please remember to mail the attached revised form along with your payment by the end...

September 10, 2021September 10, 2021by

Update March 16

Hello, parents! We know your children may be excited and looking forward to seeing their teachers and classmates through online classes today and in the coming weeks! We will continue to keep the lines of communication open by email and/or WeChat and holding your children’s Chinese classes online. Note: When you receive messages from your...

March 16, 2020March 16, 2020by

Update March 14

Dear Parents, Due to the outbreak and the closure of all schools in Pennsylvania, classes are now available online. Your child’s teacher is contacting you about Sunday’s Chinese online teaching. If you receive a text message, WeChat or email from the teacher, please reply to the teacher to discuss the online lessons in the coming...

March 14, 2020March 16, 2020by

Update March 12

Dear Parents,Good evening! Given the fact that Calvary Church suspended Sunday’s church services and church events due to the development of the epidemic, Chinese school and activities on Sundays are suspended as well because we use Calvary Church’s space. We will notify you as soon as we reopen Chinese school. During this suspension, your children’s...

March 12, 2020March 16, 2020by

Update March 10

Dear Parents, We have an announcement: The original date for the Cultural Week that is scheduled for this Sunday, March 15 will be postponed. Instead, this Sunday will be back to a normal class schedule, no culture week activities. We are also brainstorming and researching as to whether Chinese school will be closed or not...

March 10, 2020March 16, 2020by